Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Top 10 Reasons Swimming is a Great Work Out

This week I started teaching semi-private swim lessons Monday and Wednesday nights at the Park City Aquatic Center.  The center is actually connected to the middle school where I teach, and I found out Monday that because I am a teacher, I actually swim for free (It's usually $4 for an adult)! Awesome!

Tonight Brian came with me to observe and practice some teaching techniques, and then we stayed after to swim laps.  Here is why swimming is on of my favorite workouts...
  1. You don't realize you're sweating.
  2. It works practically every muscle in your body.
  3. But it's also great cardio.
  4. It's low impact, which equals no joint pain.
  5. Swimming is believed to reduce stress.
  6. It doesn't really feel like exercise.
  7. It gives you a great physique and toned body.
  8. It gives you endorphins, and endorphins make you happy.
  9. It's great for cross training.
  10. I just love it!!!!

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